November 2020 - Jennifer Jacobs | Medium | Empath | Clairvoyant SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION
Jennifer Jacobs

Archive for: November, 2020

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough, and we’ll be more content when they are. After that, we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell […]

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What others think of you is none of your business and your goal should be to care more about how you feel than how others feel about you. The process of pleasing others is will be a never-ending cycle until you make the choice to stop. There will always be something more you have to do to please others, and […]

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Through poor conditioning, our mind takes over our spirit – and in turn, the soul suffers.  Through acceptance, our soul soars.   Why is acceptance such a difficult task? It is because of perception. We perceive something unjust, unfinished, or unfair and we hold onto it thinking that if we continue to do so our circumstances will change. The reality […]

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Loving yourself through Covid-19   There is great beauty in transparency, great strength. So eat well and sleep well. Listen to your inner voice. Let meditation be your vice.   Don’t compare yourself to others. In today’s world, it’s a lot to manage the inner workings of our complex body-minds, hard enough to keep up with ourselves. No one can […]

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